• Love Your Mother

    Speak Up. Act Up. It's Our Future.

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    (The Highfaluting Stuff)

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    To Inform, To Inspire, To Empower

    Love Your Mother is about our relationship with Mother Earth. It's the only one we've got. In the face of climate change and other global overshoot challenges, our home planet desperately needs our active attention and respect. In particular, this site is dedicated to informing, inspiring and empowering youth to speak up and act up ... as well as getting adults to respond quickly, continuously, and comprehensively. It's our future. It's our children's future.


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    Canadian Youth Speak Up About Climate Change

    All over the globe, youth are justifiably getting more and more vocal about climate change. We are very proud that we now have videos that present a diversity of Canadian youth speaking up about this pressing concern. Please listen to what they have to say. Please respond by demanding that our leaders take decisive and far reaching actions for our future. From our youth to their parents and other adults. From parents and other adults to our leaders. It's much more important to change laws than light bulbs. We must change the ways we live and work on this planet.


    SPECIAL THANKS to Laura Babcock & James Spalding of PowerGroup, a video production company based in Hamilton, Ontario, for filming and editing these videos.


    THANKS ALSO to The Climate Reality Project of Canada for supporting and endorsing these videos.

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    OUR FOUNDER: Grant Linney

    Grant Linney Productions

    Grant Linney is a lifelong outdoor and environmental educator. He is very fortunate to have spent most of his career in outdoor settings, teaching a full spectrum of audiences from K to 12 and on to university students, teachers and the general public.

    He is currently focussed on climate change education and empowerment, having been trained by Al Gore and having delivered more than 400 presentations to a wide variety of audiences on behalf of Climate Reality Canada.

    Grant is the Producer and principal funder of the “Canadian Youth Speak Out re Climate Change” videos and the founder of this loveyourmother.ca website. Grant Linney Productions is an imaginary entity first conceived by Grant as a 10 year-old putting on neighbourhood puppet shows.

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    The Climate Reality Project Canada

    Climate Reality Canada is a charitable organization that serves as the Canadian component of a global movement of more than 19,000 diverse and dedicated volunteers from 141 countries around the world. These volunteers have been personally trained by former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore to educate the public about the science and impacts of climate change as well as solutions to address the climate crisis. Climate Reality Canada is the official sponsor of these videos.

    Thanks to Audrey Dépault, André-Yanne Parent, and Émilie Campbell-Renaud of Climate Reality Canada for their enthusiastic support of this project from the outset.

    Thanks also to Matthew Chapman for his invaluable assistance in setting up this supporting website.

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  • National Organizations Supporting Our Videos

    Organization names are linked to websites. Please check them out: "like", become informed, volunteer, donate.

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    Climate Guides is a non-profit formed by youth, for youth. Our mission is to build climate leaders by creating and supporting opportunities for youth to engage in climate action within their communities.

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    Climate Reality Canada is a charitable organization that serves as the Canadian component of a global movement of more than 19,000 diverse and dedicated volunteer presenters from 141 countries around the world.

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    Through evidence-based research, education and policy analysis, we work to protect the natural environment, and help create a sustainable Canada.

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    As Canada's largest environmental law charity, Ecojustice defends nature, combats climate change and fights for a healthy environment in the courtrooms of our nation.

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    Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

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    Inspired by international youth activist Greta Thunberg, this website provides connections for all Canadian #FridaysForFuture youth. Leading politicians and climate scientists support these youth strike actions.

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    The Jellyfish Project is a unique and powerful education and movement-building organization. We are a global coalition of musicians for our environment and our future who educate on environmental realities. We provide solutions, learning resources and opportunities to engage.

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    Put Out the Fire is a brand new West coast-based youth advocacy organization focussed on getting our federal government to declare a national climate emergency.

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    Youth Challenge International is a youth-centred, non-profit, non-religious, non-governmental organization focused on international development issues.

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